Psalm 23 Coloring Page Free Printable

Psalm 23 Coloring Page Free Printable – You are here: Home / Bible Journaling / CH. 4 – Psalm 23 – Simple steps to choose a color palette

“A Creative Bible Experience” is about Psalm 23 and the hope of knowing the Lord as our Shepherd. This hymn is considered a song of faith because it clearly declares faith in the care of the Lord as His loving sheep. Even though I grew up in the church, I can totally understand why young children are encouraged to memorize Psalm 23 at Sunday school or vacation Bible camp. By hiding this psalm in your heart…or any other verse for that matter…allow God to bring it into your mind when you need it most!

Psalm 23 Coloring Page Free Printable

Psalm 23 Coloring Page Free Printable

The visual imagery in Psalm 23 makes it perfect for memorizing and creating scripture art in your Bible or art journal, or even on canvas. And oh yes… I just had the most wonderful vision of the Psalm 23 quilt! Can you see it? Probably… just because the image is so fun. Word images are very powerful. We are invited to walk like sheep with our Shepherd Jesus through the lush meadows full of flowers…I imagine the daisies swaying in the wind…and we are invited to lie down and relax by the gently flowing stream. is called If I close my eyes for a moment, take a deep breath and imagine myself there, I find a peace… the peace of knowing that I am in the Lord’s care. OK… your turn!

Goodness And Mercy Coloring Page

If you’re tracing a bookmark in your Bible and it has a lot of open space like mine…think of creative ways to flesh out the design on the page. Try adding some more fruit. Or slide the bookmark down your page to mimic flowers and butterflies like I did in my Bible shown above. Remember… take a few deep breaths as you trace and remember that God is watching over you to keep you safe and comfort you no matter what your situation! You can find more tracing instructions and inspiration here.

I hope you like the coloring pages I created for this chapter, but when it comes to coloring, I’m often asked, “Where do we start?” or “How do I choose a color palette?” This special coloring page and bookmark provides a great look at answering that question. As for me…I don’t usually choose my full color palette before I start painting. I find that the easiest way to get started is to do something you already know. Coloring my leaves green is always an easy place for me to start. Maybe a variety of greens but, mostly, I want them green to start with. Now in this image we have a pasture that is also green, so I’ve chosen to make my pasture a light green and my leaves a dark green and alternate green as we go up the image. Or you can get even more creative and give each “stripe” of grass a different shade of green!!

What else do we see when looking at this page? We have water! Now we’re not talking muddy Mississippi so I’m guessing, like me, you’re imagining blues…maybe more aqua or maybe a soft baby blues but we usually think of water. “See” as blue. So I’ll do another one. In this case, I’ve streaked the water in the image for some creative fun so I’ve alternated light and dark blues but again you can combine different types of blues and go from light to dark on the horizon line. be Well… I see a potential problem where the water meets the sky but I’ve already decided to start with a purple skyline and blend the lettering to a light blue.

So the whole point is to start with what you already know! With that in mind… once you color something you already know you’ll get a better view of the whole picture and then you can have fun picking the rest of the colors! Your flowers can be pink, purple, yellow or red and then this will help you decide which color will work best for the borders and butterflies. One step at a time. Simple option.

Book Of Psalms: 37 Page Bible Coloring Book (download Only)

, you already have a full page coloring page and bookmark design. If you don’t have the book and just want a coloring page and a bookmark… I’ve created a digital printable collection that includes a note card. I thought it might be a great way to share personalized and hand-colored words of comfort and hope with someone you know. You can find it here in my Etsy shop.

I make my writing printable with five bookmarks on a page in hopes that you will share them freely. Invite some friends and have a colorful party! Or share them with your Bible study women’s or children’s Sunday school class. And I love the idea of ​​sending them to a nursing home… There are so many women out there who love to color.

I hope you take time to memorize this verse as you color it so that God can bring it to your mind when you need it most!

Psalm 23 Coloring Page Free Printable

ESV Single Column Journaling Bible by Crossway (the red one like mine is no longer available but they have this delicious teal version instead!) This week’s coloring page is based on the first two verses of the 23rd Psalm: “The Lord is my Shepherd; I have everything I need. He gives me rest in green pastures; He leads me to the banks of a quiet river.

Free Psalm 23 Coloring Page

The Psalm says that even when walking through the valley of the shadow of death, we can know that God is with us, guiding and comforting and providing for us in every way.

To be honest, I have only been through such canyons a few times in my life. Enough to make me appreciate the green fields and quiet streams that are my usual surroundings.

No matter where you find yourself today—on the highest, brightest mountain or in the deepest, darkest valley—I pray that you cling to the Good Shepherd. That you will recognize His voice and follow Him.

Or, if you feel too weak and tired and wounded to take another step, that you will rest in His strong arms and let Him carry you in His arms to greener pastures.

Psalm 20:4 Coloring Pages For Adults 1 Printable Coloring

The new Spanish versions of all my coloring books are now complete. Hooray! You can already find two titles on Amazon, and the other two should be listed there by the end of the month.

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